Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
‘Healthy body; healthy spirit’
Providing comprehensive health protection and strengthening measures for children is one of the top priorities at Russian International School (RIS). We understand that a child’s health is a crucial condition for successful learning and development.

A professional nurse is present at the school throughout the entire school day. She monitors students' health and provides first aid and pre-medical care as needed.

  • Daily Health Checks: Each student undergoes a daily health check, along with regular comprehensive examinations to monitor their overall health.
  • Sanitary and Hygienic Conditions: The school adheres to proper lighting, temperature control, and sanitation standards to maintain a healthy environment.
  • Physical Activity and Well-being: Breaks between classes, physical exercises, and Health Days are organized to support students' physical and emotional well-being.
  • Oxygen Cocktails: Courses of oxygen cocktails are offered to enhance the immune system, oxygenate the blood, and support gastrointestinal function.

We strive to create a healthy and comfortable environment that promotes the well-being and academic success of our students.