Russian RIS Core Programme
Early childhood is a key period for the formation of a child's personality. The development of leadership qualities, creative potential, and communication skills begins at this age, and successful preparation for school directly impacts a child's future achievements.

The educational program at RIS is based on the Russian educational program "From Birth to School," recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and is aimed at the comprehensive development of each child.
The program prioritizes fostering a confident, goal-oriented individual with an active life position. Key values include curiosity, a willingness to explore the world, cooperation, and creativity.

In addition to the main program, partial programs and authorial methodologies are utilized, such as "Steps" for mathematics for different age groups and the TRIZ technology for developing unconventional thinking. For younger groups, elements of the Maria Montessori system are applied to enhance fine motor skills and sensory development.

Significant attention is paid to school readiness, the development of higher mental functions, writing, reading, and mathematics skills, as well as creative development.