High school at RIS: developing future leaders
The senior stage of education at RIS covers grades 10-11 and represents a key phase in preparing students for adult life and further studies.

This stage emphasizes differentiation and individualization of learning, offering high school students a wide range of opportunities to build personalized educational programs aligned with their interests and goals.

The senior stage at RIS focuses on supporting students in their pursuit of academic and professional success, ensuring they are fully prepared to successfully complete school and transition to higher education and professional life.
Grade 10: Foundations for Career Orientation
Grade 10 marks the beginning of an in-depth study of subjects based on the students' chosen fields. During this period, students actively work on shaping their educational and career goals. At RIS, grade 10 offers the following opportunities:

  • Profile selection: Students start studying subjects based on their chosen educational profile, be it science and math, humanities, social and economic studies, or technology. This allows them to focus on areas of interest and gain deeper knowledge.
  • Development of research skills: Students increasingly engage in project-based and research activities. This includes participation in scientific competitions, olympiads, and other intellectual events, which help develop critical thinking and research skills.
  • Career orientation: In grade 10, students begin defining their career interests and goals. Consultations and training sessions are conducted to help them choose a future profession and plan their educational path.
Grade 11: Preparation for Adult Life
Grade 11 is the final stage of secondary education, focusing on preparing students for graduation exams and the transition to higher education. At RIS, grade 11 is centered on:

  • Exam preparation: Students prepare for the Unified State Exam (EGE) and other final exams, which are key for university admissions. This involves both in-depth study of specialized subjects and general exam preparation courses.
  • Individual projects and research activities: In grade 11, students continue to develop their research projects and participate in scientific competitions, reinforcing the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the year.
  • Choosing a path in higher education: The final year of school is dedicated to selecting and applying to universities. Consultations are held on university selection, preparing necessary documents, and writing motivation letters.
  • Development of soft skills: Students continue to focus on developing essential skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, and communication, which are crucial for successful adaptation to higher education and future professional life.
High school goals at RIS
  • Learning personalisation
    Provide pupils with the opportunity to choose a study profile, such as a science, maths, humanities, socio-economic or technological profile, as well as a universal profile. This allows pupils to study subjects in depth in the area in which they plan to realise their ambitions.
  • In-depth knowledge
    To ensure the acquisition of deep and solid knowledge in profile disciplines corresponding to the future professional activity of students. This includes the creation of a system of specialised training aimed at in-depth study of selected subjects.
  • Independence development
    To prepare graduates for independent cognitive activity and solving life tasks of various levels of complexity. This includes the development of research, analysis and critical thinking skills.
  • Academic and research motivation
    To develop motivation for research activity, forming in students the ability to critically and creatively process information, as well as to develop their own opinion and be able to defend it.
  • Preparing for universities
    To make students competitive for admission to universities both in Russia and abroad by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in entrance examinations and competitions.
  • Career Guidance
    To form a clear idea in pupils about their possibilities and goals on the basis of profile education and individualised curriculum. This includes assessing one's aptitudes and possibilities for successful realisation in the chosen field.

Grades 10 and 11 at RIS are a time of active preparation for future life, which includes both in-depth study of core subjects and the development of the necessary skills for a successful start in higher education and the professional world.