Primary Education at RIS: the foundation for successful learning
Primary education is the first and crucial stage of general education for children, laying the foundation for knowledge about the world, and developing communication skills and problem-solving abilities. This period plays a key role in shaping a child's personality and determining their success in subsequent stages of learning.

The primary general education program at RIS fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) and covers grades 1 through 4.

Primary education at RIS aims at the comprehensive development of children, fostering confidence in their abilities and preparing them for successful continuation in middle school.

Grade 1: Introduction to School Life

In the first grade, the main goal is to help children adapt to the educational process. Students acquire basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills, and get used to school discipline and teamwork.

  • Development of phonetic hearing and articulation
  • Constructing simple sentences and reading by syllables
  • Introduction to basic mathematical operations
  • Learning through play for easier material comprehension
Grade 2: Deepening Basic Skills
In the second grade, children continue to deepen their knowledge and work with more complex tasks, developing their ability for independent learning.

  • Spelling practice and reading more complex texts
  • Understanding addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers
  • Introduction to elementary geometric concepts
  • Ability to analyze information and solve problems
Grade 3: Expanding Horizons
In the third grade, the focus is on broadening knowledge and developing logical thinking. Students study new topics and delve deeper into familiar subjects.

  • Work with fractions and more complex mathematical operations
  • Development of written and oral communication skills, working with texts
  • Study of the environment, history, and natural science
  • Introduction to research and project-based activities
Grade 4: Preparing for Middle School
The fourth grade is the final stage of primary school and prepares students for the next level.

  • Mastering complex arithmetic operations and introductory algebra
  • Enhancement of written communication and focus on literacy
  • In-depth study of history, biology, and natural science
  • Preparation for middle school requirements and independent projects
Primary education programme goals
  • Development of the student's personality, creative abilities and interest in learning;
  • Formation of desire and ability to learn;
  • Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, positive attitude to oneself and the surrounding world;
  • Mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as experience in different types of activities;
  • Maintaining and strengthening children's physical and mental health;
  • Preservation and development of each child's individuality.
Education is conducted according to the "Shkola Rossii" curriculum, with an advanced mathematics component from the "Perspektiva" curriculum. This program allows for a thorough development of academic skills essential for successful learning in middle school.

Special attention is given to developing phonetic skills, reading and writing abilities, expanding children's understanding of the world, and speech development. The program also actively promotes vocabulary enrichment and the formation of coherent expression. The mathematics course includes a variety of geometric materials and engaging tasks aimed at developing logical thinking and imagination. There is significant emphasis on comparison, contrast, and analysis of related concepts, which helps children gain a deeper understanding of the topics studied.

By completing the primary education program at RIS, students acquire new academic skills and learn various methods of activity. These skills provide a solid foundation for the successful continuation of their education at the next level — middle school.